DesktopDashboard needs what is called as the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to be able to run on your desktop. This is a separate download from the actual DesktopDashboard software, because Windows operating systems don't come with special Java software pre-installed.
The JRE is about 15 MB in size - should take about 3-5 minutes on a broadband connection, more on a dial-up connection.
Click here to read about downloading and installing the JRE. You have to have downloaded and installed the JRE before you can run DesktopDashboard.
- Download DesktopDashboard.zip
from the private download area to your desktop. (where to download?)
- Save it to your desktop.
- Double click on DesktopDashboard.zip
- Don't click on any single file within the zip archive.
Simply click on "Extract" and then select your"Desktop" as the location to extract.
- It will extract all files within the zip file
to a new folder by name "DesktopDashboard" on your
- Go into the new "DesktopDashboard" folder and
double click on the file "DesktopDashboard.exe".
- That's it. You should see DesktopDashboard launch on your screen.